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OLMCS provides a religious education program containing Bible study, Catholic doctrine and tradition, Social Justice, as well as preparation for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Students attend weekly school Mass. During the Lenten season, the children participate in the Stations of the Cross. During the month of May, special devotions honoring the Blessed Mother are conducted. Liturgical services are held monthly for the school and students participate in all parts of the mass.

Students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade are taught from the Sophia Institute – Spirit of Truth textbooks and the Theology of the Body Supplemental Curriculum. Pre-K students are taught from the Stories of God’s Love curriculum.

Family Life instruction is required at all grade levels by the Diocese of Fresno.

Students in grades 2-8 take the ARK Religion test each spring; this test helps the school measure the effectiveness of its religious teachings and provides support and resources for strengthening our students’ understanding of our faith.

Computer Literacy

The school has Chromebooks which integrates curricular subjects. Keyboarding and Computer skills on grade level are taught to students in 3rd through 8th grade.

Fine Arts

Music, visual arts, and performing arts are taught to all students in Pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade.


Students in grades Kindergarten through 2nd learn to print in legible manuscript. Students in 3rd grade through 8th are taught cursive handwriting. Handwriting is part of the English/Language Arts curriculum.

Language Arts

Students in grades Kindergarten through 2nd grade are taught reading, English, spelling, phonics, vocabulary, composition, library skills, and appreciation of literature using the Super Kids textbooks and materials. Students in 3rd through 5th grade are taught reading, English, spelling, phonics, vocabulary, composition, library skills, and appreciation of literature using the Journeys textbooks and materials. Students in 6th through 8th grade are taught using materials, novels and resources that the teachers deems appropriate and effective for meeting grade level standards.


Students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade are taught mathematics skills using the Eureka Math Suite textbooks and materials, Saxon Math Suite and other approved mathematical programs to support fluency in math concepts. Supplemental computer programs are also used to build fluency including Zearn and Prodigy.

Physical Education

The physical fitness program is appropriate for each grade, Kindergarten through 8th.


Students are taught general sciences with science experiments using the Science Weekly curriculum. Students also engage in hands on learning experiments using the schools fully functional Science Lab and STEM Hands on Learning Labs.

Social Studies

Students in Kindergarten through 8th grades are taught history, geography, economics, state history, and current events using Social Studies Weekly newspapers. Students in fifth through eighth grades are taught social studies through the History Alive! Series. Students in fourth grade also complete a computer module on CA Native Peoples & Missions.